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NEW! We’ve released our latest project Whatever Dreams They Had. Please visit our sister site to see when it is playing in your area, request a screening, or donate to our future work.

“Genocide always casts a long shadow.
The greatest challenge for any community that has gone through a genocide is to be able to come out of that shadow.”
— Khatchig Mouradian

About The Film

Their struggle speaks to the many immigrant communities who have experienced trauma. 100 years ago, Armenians were nearly annihilated by genocide. Today, often unrecognized, it remains defining – while the long shadow of the Genocide creates a burden for young Armenian Americans, discouraging them from taking up their culture. What Will Become of Us follows six Armenian Americans – famous and otherwise – as they navigate the 100th Anniversary of the Genocide and strive to forge identities for the next 100 years. Can Armenian Americans create a new future – honoring their past, while unshackling themselves from its trauma?

SELECT Broadcast Dates

If you don’t see your station below, please look it up on the PBS website and ask them to play the film!



SELECT EVENTS & Screenings




Now Streaming!

What Will Become of Us is now available to purchase and stream.


OWn the DVD / Blu-Ray

Own the DVD / Blu-Ray Deluxe 2-Disc Set - Free Shipping!

What Will Become of Us on a DVD Disc and on Blu-Ray Disc. Two discs in one compact package.

Standard shipping is free, Rush/Priority Shipping is available for $5 at checkout (+$1 for each additional item) .

We can only take U.S. orders at the moment.



Armenian weekly

KVPR Fresno NPR Interview with oudi richard hagopian and filmmaker stephanie ayanian

Mountain Lake PBS interview with filmmaker Stephanie Ayanian

The Central Valley ledger

armenian weekly

WHYY PBS virtual event with what will become of us filmmaker stephanie ayanian, scholar rachel goshgarian, and filmmakers jared white and lilit pilikian (100 Years from home)

Arach media

Mirror spectator

Nor hai horizon

ArT Voice

Voice of america

penn state news

Armenian weekly

The Armenian Mirror-Spectator

Massis Post

The Collegian

Albuquerque Journal

Central Valley Ledger

All Things Armenian with Barlow Der Mugrdechian


Armenian Weekly

Film threat review

Older Press

Contact Us

If you have a question, or would like to arrange a broadcast, screening, or other event please get in touch!